From 12th to 14th of June 2020, Global Data Excellence was honoured to participate to the “Geneva Resilience Hack” which is a 48-hour online hackathon, to develop collective solutions to the economic challenges that Geneva’s ecosystem is facing during the post COVID-19 crisis.

The team in which GDE was part of; selected the theme 9: Remote project implementation for International Organisations and NGOs. The project was named WIShelter Trusted SafePath project.
In the context of COVID-19, health prevention measures have drastically increased the requirements for documenting individual’s health status. Especially for travelers, transportations and enterprises worldwide who will face post COVID-19 challenges when boarding and accessing sensible buildings facilities, sport events, congress and many other locations. At the same time, privacy issues about unintended use of sensitive private data, such as health records, are becoming increasingly critical and requirements for explicit consent are being embedded in data protection laws.
As a result, the goal of the project is to build a global solution that embeds cybersecurity and artificial intelligence technologies to address the requirements for documenting individual’s health status leveraging: the unique capability to foster collaboration among International Organisations and NGO’s present in Geneva.
- Cybersecurity Technology protecting the privacy of the individuals while guaranteeing the authenticity and legitimacy of the health documents and health status produced.
- Artificial Intelligence technology that enables access to health data from local and international organisation while complying with international and local authorities legal requirements and privacy rules.
The proposed solution is based on the very fast (less than 6 months) and effective (Less than one million Swiss francs) implementation of a full scale pilot project deployed in Geneva involving: International Organisations such as WHO, IATA, ITU and NGOs such as OISTE along with Geneva’s local Authorities such as Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG), Aéroport de Genève (GVA) and the State Département de la sécurité, de l’emploi et de la santé (DSES), worldwide leaders in Cybersecurity such as WiseKey and Artificial Intelligence worldwide leaders in Data Access Management such as GDE to create a robust, safe and scalable solution; integrating WiseID PKI technology to GDE DEMS AI technology to enable personal health documents management fulfilling the both privacy and compliance requirements.
- Gianfranco Moi – Digital Transformation Officer at Etat de Genève
- Carlos Moreno – VP Corporate Alliances & Partnership at WISeKey SA
- Walid El Abed – Founder and CEO at Global Data Excellence
- Stéphane Zrehen – Business Development Executive at Global Data Excellence
- Pedro Fuentes – Policy Approval Authority member at OISTE
- Andreas Moreira – Cryptocurrency Consultant at Trust Protocol Association
About the Geneva Resilience Hack
The “Geneva Resilience Hack” is part of an open innovation programme, the Crisis Innovation fund and Resilience. This initiative was launched by the State of Geneva, the University of Geneva, HES-SO Genève and Open Geneva.
The “Geneva Resilience Hack” aims to bring together students, professionals, public services, academics and innovators to take up 9 challenges to adapt the Geneva economy to the new realities of covid-19 and innovate for a more sustainable future.
Please register and vote for it:
Here’s the video presentation of the Geneva Resilience Hack:
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