
DEMS provides a factual value-driven collaboration that engages end-users from all levels in the ultimate value creation. It also helps organisations to manage data policies, to comply with evolving EU GDPR guidelines or any other regulation like FINMA. DEMS fits the maturity of your organisation functions and resources. It establishes accountability and responsibility throughout the organisational structure and links the data assets to the value flows to predicatively govern business strategies. It is a tailor-made platform suitable for all business sectors, cities, governments and many more

DEMS Pilot

The objective of this Pilot is to demonstrate DEMS value within the identified functions to enable our customers to acknowledge the value at the executive level for a global implementation:

  • Demonstrate an end-to-end DEMS value for enabling our customers to maximise the business value of their Data and govern by value;
  • Demonstrate DEMS prescriptive governance benefits;
  • Enable better fact-based prioritisation of business, data management and IT activities and resources at customers.

DEMS Pilot approach is a “Quick Win” one shot approach based on transparency, integrity, partnership and collaboration. The overriding principle throughout the project is that of One-goal/One-team.

1. Price +

Pricing is not per rows or columns of data scanned as DEMS is directly plugged on your existing data bases with unlimited access to every part of it 

Licence : 10’000 CHF per month, maximal duration 3 months

DEC Basic Training – 2 days – max 10 participants ; 4’500 CHF

Workshop to define and implement 3-5 rules (3 complex rules, 5 simple rules) in DEMS ; 7’500 CHF

Installation : Free of charge

Total :

22’000 CHF for 1 month

32’000 CHF for 2 months

42’000 CHF for 3 months

2. Including +

DEMS per domain

(A domain is a specified sphere of activity or knowledge. E.g.: Finance domain, HR domain, Supply chain domain…)

The objective of the domain implementation is to govern a domain by value within the identified functions to enable our customers to acknowledge the value at the executive level:

  • Enable our customers to maximise the business value of their Data and govern by value ;
  • Cover DEMS prescriptive governance benefits;
  • Enable better fact-based prioritisation of business, data management, IT activities and resources at customers premises.

DEMS approach is a value driven progressive approach based on transparency, integrity, partnership and collaboration. The overriding principle through it is that of One-goal/One-team.

1. Price +

Pricing is not per rows or columns of data scanned as we’re only plugging on your existing data bases with unlimited access to it

Licence : 75’000 CHF per domain per year

DEC Basic Training – 2 days – max 10 participants ; 4’500 CHF

DEC Advanced Training – 3 days – max 5 participants ; 6’500 CHF

Total: 86’000 CHF

2. Including +

  • One production and development instance for the domain
  • Unlimited Business Excellence Requirements (BER) related to the domain
  • Unlimited number of the subject community users 
  • One DEMS Agent

3. Options +

Workshop to define and implement 3-5 rules (3 complex rules, 5 simple rules) in DEMS ; 7’500 CHF (possibility with a partner)

Additionnal DEMS Agent ; 10’000 CHF

Accelerators ; 25’000 CHF each


European Union Regulation 2016/679, called “General Data Protection Regulation (on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, also known as the GDPR“), imposes the highest standard of compliance to date for the protection of personal data on virtually every natural or legal person in the world.

The substantial requirements, the extension of data subjects’ rights, the extraterritorial scope, as well as the very strict threshold for sanctions impose a heavy burden on any company, non-profit organisation or even any natural person who controls the processing of personal data belonging to other data subjects. The burden is all the heavier because we all operate in an interconnected world where remote connections are becoming the rule wherever people’s digital identity tends to prevail over their physical identity.

The cost of complying with the GDPR can be prohibitive, particularly for businesses that operate with vast mountains of personal data or for entities that have financial needs to support a comprehensive human compliance assessment.

Our value proposition:

The objective of the GDPR Package is to govern in compliance with the GDPR with extremely limited human intervention. DEMS offers a unique solution based on an automated artificial intelligence driven system, which allows IT systems to control the GDPR compliance themselves. The system relies on the understanding by the machine through controlled natural language of the rules of the GDPR and the linking of such rules with the data that exists or develops within the company. DEMS defines and describes all the rules of the GDPR in a language and definitions that are not only interpretable by lawyers.

The GDPR package have been done with the collaboration of the Law Faculty of Fribourg University, Switzerland

1. Price +

Pricing is not per rows or columns of data scanned as we’re only plugging on your existing data bases with unlimited access to it.

Licence for the domain per year ; 75’000 CHF

Verbatim GDPR, Models & Knowledge ; 25’000 CHF

Total : 100’000 CHF

2. Including +


The goal of DEMS for All is simple: to give you full control over your personal and professional data, making sure it stays private and secure. Take control of your data with DEMS for All—an intuitive platform that puts data sovereignty in your hands. We want everyone, no matter their tech skills, to have access to powerful data management tools that turn information into actionable insights, all with just a simple request. With DEMS for All, you can manage your data, communicate, and stay organized, all in one place—while keeping your data ownership and privacy at the forefront. It’s about empowering you to take control of your digital life, easily and securely.

    Key Features:

    • Data Sovereignty and Privacy: Complete ownership and control over your data with strong privacy and security protocols.
    • Human Language Interaction: Manage and access your data using natural language, no technical expertise required.
    • Integrated Communication: Send and receive private or professional messages directly through the platform.
    • Personal Data Insights: Organize, analyze, and unlock the potential of your personal and professional data.

    Individual: CHF 15 per person/month

    Student: CHF 5/month

    Researcher: CHF 10/month

    Teacher: CHF 10/month

    Yearly Subscriptions: Enjoy a 10% discount on all yearly plans.

    For Organizations:

    Community & Associations: Starting at CHF 500/year, based on resources

    Academy: CHF 5,000/year

    Start-up: CHF 15,000/year

    Enterprise: CHF 150,000/year

    City Plan: CHF 500/year for every 300 residents, scaling up to CHF 150,000 for larger populations.


    DEMS Digital Lab Licence to perform one or several pilot implementations to test the methodology and the system for different domains. Based on the obtained results our customers will then leverage the best implementation scenario to industrialise the solution. 

    The objective of implementing the Digital Lab Licence is to enable our customers to build on the investments already done and link them together to maximise the business value of these investments and current resources. DEMS will enable to prescriptively establish the accountability and responsibility at all levels of the enterprise to govern the strategy and the operations linked to the value flows. 
    This licence will allow to achieve the following objectives:
    • Definition of a data dictionary including definitions, rules and traceability around the data, links with metadata
    • Implementation of a publication portal (intranet)
    • Data quality analysis and monitoring
    • Reporting of data quality indicators
    • Monitoring of data quality improvement plans
    •  Data Valorisation

    1. Price +

    Pricing is not per rows or columns of data scanned as we’re only plugging on your existing data bases with unlimited access to it

    DEMS Digital lab license per year ; 30’000 CHF

    DEC Basic Training – 2 days – max 10 participants ; 4’500 CHF

    DEC Advanced Training – 3 days – max 5 participants ; 6’500 CHF

    2 x 1 Workshop to define and implement 3-5 rules (3 complex rules, 5 simple rules) in DEMS – 3 days ; 7’500 CHF

    Knowledge Asset Dynamics and Semantic Modelling – 3 days – max 5 participants ; 6’500 CHF

    Total : 62’500 CHF

    2. Including +


    3. Options +

    Upgrade to production (added to the Digital Lab Licence price) ; 10’000 CHF

    Accelerators ; 25’000 CHF each




    DEMS provides a ready-to-use Verbatim containing various elements to facilitate your experience. Take advantage of our Verbatim accelerators to benefit from the Semantic data model, Glossaries and Business Excellence Requirements already developed for the domains you chose..

    Our different types of Verbatim

    Unique Price : 25’000 CHF for each

    Global Data Excellence (GDE)

    Route de la Galaise 34

    CH - 1228 Plan-les-Ouates

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